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When an organisation licenses Ake for their family violence program, they receive a User and Coach login credentials list. These credentials can be passed on to staff facilitating the program sessions (Coaches) and program participants (Users) so they may access and utilise the app during their time on the program. The default information attached to these accounts will be generic until the User or Coach replaces it with their personal information, such as name, email, phone number, and address. They can also change the password to something more memorable to them.
How to edit my profile information
Profile information can only be changed on the Ake website. Go to akeapp.com with your web browser and use the credentials provided by your program provider to log in. Once logged in and viewing the home page, click on the portrait icon at the top-right of the screen.
From here, you can edit your Username, Password, Profile Image, Name, Surname, Email, Phone, Mobile, Date of Birth, Address and Notification Method. A bit more about these fields is detailed below.
- Coaches see the Username of an account to differentiate between accounts sharing the same name when creating Groups and Discussions (for example, having two Jonas in a program). We recommend staff give a unique username to each User or keep the default one for that account instead of allowing a User to create their own. As an example, John.Doe for a User called John Doe.
- The Name and Surname fields are used in the Discussions feature. When an account creates a Discussion or replies to a Discussion, the post will display the Name and Surname of the poster above the message.
- The Image box allows Users and Coaches to select a profile avatar image. This aesthetic feature will display this image next to the account Name and Surname on Discussion posts.
- The Notification Method drop-down box details how this account will receive notifications. You can choose from Email, Push or All Notifications. For users who are using the app on their phones, we suggest Push Notifications. For Users on a desktop or web browser (no app installed to their device), we recommend choosing Email. Ake will send notifications from their Coach or Discussions to the email entered in the Email field.
- The Email field associates an email address with the account. This will be the email the User / Coach must enter, along with a password, when logging into Ake. The email address will also receive notifications, as detailed in the previous bullet point. Password reset requests are also sent to this email address.
- The Password can be changed here to something more memorable or kept the same. A new password must be at least eight characters long and contain one uppercase character and 1 number. If you forget or lose your password, you can request a reset by clicking the “Forgot your password?” button on the login page or by going here. This will send a reset request to the email address associated with the account.
- Filling in the Phone, Mobile, DOB, and Address fields is optional and unnecessary for the account to function correctly. The ability to fill these in is purely for the organisation's record keeping.
When finished, click on the red Save button to save your changes. The fields with the * must be filled in for the changes to save.